There is Still Time
Everything that once held you back
Is asking now to be blessed
And loved
Loved and Blessed
Re-instated into your universe
Not as a force to keep you stuck
But as the energy of love, now
Is all that this unfinished work is asking of you
This is the hidden secret behind writing the prayer of your life:
Whatever kept you silent, stuck, afraid
Is a holy place.
Love it, as you feel it now,
And you will be freed.
Because this is part of
Why you are here on earth.
To do the work of repair.
It is not an accident
Or a failure
Or a sign that you will never know success,
when you encounter broken places in your life,
when you end another year and still have not finished your book.
When you face messes, now, or in the past,
that perhaps you had a hand in making
Know this:
It is simply what you came here for:
to face them, as broken shards of a shattered world
Yours—and the big World’s
Broken shards are everywhere, because God dropped the world
As soon as God created the world.
Was it an accident—or on purpose?
Let’s say it was part of the plan and now, you feel your grief,
over what has been seemingly lost—the lost opportunities, the failure, addiction,
self-sabotage, the writing not done, the beginnings you have not yet brought to completion
sure, cry your tears in the days before the year ends
…but don’t get stuck in the grief.
Don’t be too loyal to it, as the final truth.
Pick up your grief, and kiss it, and then:
Invite it to the party…the party of your life, now.
The blessing of your wholeness, which has room for every broken shard you find.
Yes, find them all. Love them all.
And don’t forget this: the hidden light.
This is the secret of Kabbalistic wisdom: the mystery.
When you search in the darkest place, for example–
the depth of your own grief and despair over what you’ve lost,
what you haven’t yet been able to do, what you can’t control in the lives of those you love and in the world—you find
The Hidden Light
This light is said to have magic power, special power.
It is the mystery, the gem, the treasure.
When you excavate deep enough into your own despair—
you unleash the greatest power of all: the Hidden Light.
When you find this Hidden Light, you can use it to not only repair what was broken, but to make something new, from everything you thought was destroyed, in your life and in your world.
But to start, just use it to keep going, to not give up on yourself.
Take that light and shine it upon all your fears and doubts that say: it’s too late, I’m too old, I missed my chance, I’ll never do it.
Talk back to those voices and say
I don’t believe you
It’s for this that I have survived so much pain, lived through so much trauma and loss,
To finally rescue the part of me that wanted to speak—all those years ago, and became silent. Because her voice wasn’t wanted. Or was ridiculed, or shamed.
Yes, it’s been a long journey.
Yes, I’m older and wiser and have lived more years than I ever thought I would to get here
But here I am.
Free at last
Free at last
Thank god almighty I am free at last
And that’s the truth
Love the lost years, the stuck places, and bless them too, know that they, too, are
god’s hand working in your life, in ways you can’t completely understand
You’re ready
It’s time
You know enough already Love enough Are enough Right now
Cry your tears and plant them in the earth
Let your tears water the seeds of joy
Let those seeds sprout and grow into a tree that is
The full flourishing
Of your gifts
Your voice
Your vision to give to the world
Offer it as a prayer
To another hungry soul, looking for the nourishment of truth
Spoken freely
And offer it as a prayer to your
Own younger self
Because no one was there
When she was small and afraid
And had so much to say
And wanted to write
More than anything
Offer it as a prayer
To her
And it will be enough
I love this Debora. It gives me so much courage and inspiration. Thank you for writing this.
Happy New Year.. much blessings and health.
Thanks, Marta for taking the time to read it. So glad it gives you courage!! xoxo