“I had a dream the other night in which you were encouraging me to buy a turquoise necklace. It was several strands of turquoise pieces with a gold medallion connecting them in the middle. When I briefly recorded the dream in my morning pages, I realized the dream spoke to me of what your writing workshops have been like. The healing properties of turquoise. A necklace is around the throat chakra, so the healing power of speaking, finding a voice. And a necklace also hopefully makes the wearer more beautiful! Your workshops create a safe place to go deep and express what’s inside and the prompts encourage me to go places I don’t usually go in my morning pages. I know that the comments are directed at the writing, not the person, but I always feel affirmed in my journey as a person.” M.W. … [Read more...]
I was flying high all day
“Thank you again for creating such a wonderfully safe environment in which to experience my first writing workshop. I was flying high all day, really….it carried me, and I realize how much I have been missing this, even though I’m not sure I would have identified “writing” as something I was missing. It’s like seeing someone you haven’t seen for a long time, and it isn’t until you see them that you realize how much you miss them. Like that.” ---Sara Muzzey … [Read more...]
Not something you normally find in a writing workshop
“The healing aspect of what you do is just incredible, and not something you normally find in a writing workshop.” ---Robin Brooks, artist, writer, graphic designer … [Read more...]
I love the sacred quality you bring in
“I love the sacred quality you bring in, combined with a very informed creative writing background. It led to a lot of inspired and inspiring writing. The circle you create is very enriching.” ---Karen Werner, faculty, Goddard College … [Read more...]
You bring our consciousness to the heart of the matter
“I love writing with you. You bring our consciousness to the heart of the matter. The process is a sacred experience. You’re very real. I seem to go deeper with you. It’s a joy and a special experience to be in your class. Writing the Prayer of Your Life is a holy process. You don’t find writers teaching this way. You know, we talk about the pain, we talk about the journey, but when you put words to it, it becomes holy.” ---Cheri Evans, spiritual healer, Shelburne Falls, MA … [Read more...]