What Do You Need To Rest From?

What do you need to rest from?

This question, when you ask it to yourself, can be paradigm shifting.

It’s a question I ask at the beginning of most of my programs.

It’s also one of the first writing exercises you work with in the 21 Day Soul Writing Journey, Come Home To Your Body.

The journey of coming home to your body is one that takes place through listening. It’s easy to ignore your needs for rest. Maybe you’re so used to being worn out that feeling rested and energized feels like an impossible dream.

And yet….to write your most important work, and live your best life, you need your vitality.

The gift of a Soul Writing Journey is that you’ll be renewed and revitalized by the writing you do; and at the same time, you’ll receive clear guidance from your own wise self that’s very specific for you, about what will help you to feel restored on all levels of your being.

This question, What do you need to rest from? can lead to surprising revelations, if you give yourself permission to let the unexpected come through your pen, when you respond.

The question itself is a form of permission. You’re giving yourself permission to acknowledge that yes, you do need to rest, and yes, you’re allowed to rest from the particular things that drain you. This kind of self care can be revolutionary!

The answers to this question will change, according to what’s going on in your life. Sometimes you need to rest from worry, anxiety, or a particular obsession that’s claiming your attention. Sometimes you need to rest from over-work, not having enough down time.

Sometimes you need to rest from being “on” socially, and sometimes you need to rest from being on technology, or social media.

Always, it’s a question that will lead you home, if you ask it with an open heart and an open mind.

Pause for a moment right now, and ask yourself, “What do I need to rest from?”

What’s the first thing that comes into your mind? Ideally, do this as a writing exercise. Writing down the question and your response will lead to considerable clarity.

Once you’ve gotten a response, ask yourself what it would take to actually start resting from the thing you most need to rest from. What’s one action you can take this week, to support your need to rest in this way?

In the 21 Day Soul Writing Journey, I suggest you ask this question every night, for a week, just before you go to sleep, and see what emerges when you wake in the morning. If you’re drawn to it, try that this week.

In my own life, I find it’s a good question to ask when I feel run down on any level. I’ll ask it if I’m physically tired, and I’ll also ask it if I feel stressed out and overwhelmed. If I’m stuck in a writing project, or if the inner critic is speaking loudly, I will turn to this question for guidance.

It’s so reassuring to know that you can get guidance from your own soul, any time you ask. Sitting down to write a question to your soul is a great way to ask.

Try it this week at least once. Sit down and write, “What do I need to rest from?” Then, invite your soul and your body to respond, and see what answers emerge, when you write.

In just a few weeks you can sign up for the 21 Day Soul Writing Journey, Come Home To Your Body. All registration happens through the DailyOm, and thanks to their generous sliding scale, you can sign up for as little as $10.00!

To learn more, and get on my early bird list to be notified as soon as registration is open, go here.

21 Day Soul Writing Journey

I hope you’re feeling full of radiant vitality when you read this. If you’re feeling anything other than that, I invite you to ask yourself, “What do I need to rest from?” and see what guidance emerges from your pen.

Blessings on all the songs and stories of your soul,

Debora Seidman
