Honor Your Sensitivity as Strength

Honor your sensitivity.  Know that it is your deepest strength.


Honor your sensitivity as a strength.


Love yourself as you love this earth.  Let your writing be a way you care for the earth, and you will come home to yourself.


We are from the earth, of the earth, and if we do not stand for the earth, who will?


If we do not stand for ourselves, exactly as we are…deeply sensitive, deeply intelligent, deeply powerful…then what?


Is that not also a description of Nature?  Sensitive, intelligent, powerful?


These are some of the lessons I’ve learned in my journey toward honoring myself as a writer.


Over and over, I was stopped by  fear, until I finally learned that fear is a doorway.


I started to see that fear is not a signal to stop, but an indication that I’ve reached the edge of my comfort zone.


As a writer, and as a sensitive, I feel my own fear more deeply than some people do, because I feel everything deeply.  The more I understand this, and learn skills to recognize and navigate through the territory of fear, the more free I am.


It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that my sensitivity is in fact my greatest strength.  It’s what makes me a writer who can touch people’s hearts, in a world where most people are afraid to feel deeply.


It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that fear is a doorway, and that’s one of the reasons I’ve developed Women’s Voices Rising:  to help you learn to walk through your own fear—or terror—of writing, and find the freedom and power that’s on the other side.


On Thursday, January 22 at 10 am Pacific Time ( 11 Mountain, 1 pm Eastern)  and then again on Tuesday, January 27, at 5 pm Pacific ( 6 pm Mountain, 8 pm Eastern)  I’m offering a free teleclass called  “Turn Your Fear of Writing into a Portal of Love and Unleash Your Creative Power.”


On this call I will give you three keys that help you walk through the doorway of fear, and find that it is a portal of love.  That love is what helps you find the freedom to honor your own writing, and honor yourself as a writer.


If you attend the call live and decide to register for the Women’s Voices Rising program, starting in February, you get the early bird discounted price for the program.


Also, if you register for the program with a friend, you get the early bird discount price and your friend registers for only $97.00.


For both of these special offers, you have to email me directly, but you can go here to find out about the Free Teleclass, and here to find out about the program.


Do you consider yourself a sensitive?  What have you learned about your own sensitivity as a strength?  How does that help you to write?


I’d love to hear how this material speaks to you.  And I invite you to this free call, to learn more about how to navigate the waters of fear that come up in the course of moving closer to your writing dreams.


Do you know one or two women who would benefit from this?  Would you pass this on to them, and/or invite them to attend the free call on either Thursday, January 22 or Tuesday, January 27?