Writing the Prayer of Your Life Meets Women’s Voices Rising to Jumpstart Your Blog


What Happens When Women’s Voices Rising Meets Writing the Prayer of Your Life to Jumpstart Your Blog?


You become unstoppable!!




Your visionary blog is an expression of you.  If you have a heart centered business and it’s time to build your online community, a blog can help.


If you’re a writer with a message to share and you want to build your online following, a blog can help.


But what’s going to help your blog stand out and get noticed?


What’s going to help you find and keep readers who follow your blog and share it with their friends?


Your Authentic Voice.


The voice that’s Your Truest Expression of Who You Are and what your work is all about.


And what’s going to help you find that voice?   And then find the courage to share it through your blog?


A structure that will support you to become aligned with the sacred purpose that’s calling you to write a blog.


Creative inspiration and instruction that will free you to write in your most authentic voice.


Tools to help you to navigate the “I’m not good enough” gremlins that start talking loudly as you prepare to take an important risk, like becoming more visible through your blog.


A sacred container that guides you to offer your blog as a prayer.  So you have all the support of the Universe on your side, and you feel safe and held, as you blog your vision into the world.


Blogging Your Vision Into the World is a different kind of blog writing program.  It’s definitely designed to help you build your online community in a way that will support your business or your writing career.


You will have the support and accountability you need to get your writing done and out there!


And, it’s specially designed for visionary, spiritual, creative women, like you.


Women who are taking the risk to build a business around their passion.


Women who are taking the risk to bring their voices into the world through their writing.


Through all the years I’ve spent teaching and developing Writing the Prayer of Your Life, I know that creating a relationship with the Sacred can be one of the most powerful things you can do to support your writing.


When you join Blogging Your Vision into the World, you’ll learn how to offer your Blog as A Prayer to the World.


I also know that in order to write in your most authentic voice, you need an empowering relationship with writing itself.


I developed Women’s Voices Rising to help women embrace the fears that come up around writing, and turn those fears into a portal of love.


Over and over I’ve seen that if you’re willing to acknowledge your fears when they show up in the form of the “I’m not good enough” voices, you can transform those fears into fuel that energizes you, instead of the obstacle that stops you in your tracks.


I want you to bring your voice into the world through your blog.  We need the voices of visionary, heart centered, wise and creative women like you.


We need your business to contribute to the creation of a thriving world.


We need your writing to inspire, guide and support other people who may be struggling in these changing times.


And if you want to start showing up in a much bigger way, you need support for doing it in a way that’s aligned with you.  Spiritual.  Creative.  Visionary.  And also tender, sensitive, and vulnerable.


Your heart is soft because you haven’t lost sight of the truth of how things are for you.  You are drawn to write because of your soft heart.  And, when it’s time to bring your writing into the world through your blog, you need a container that’s strong enough to hold you and your vision.


The fears that come up when you decide to step out in a way that stretches you past your comfort zone are usually there to protect your tender heart.  Your soft heart is exactly what you want intact to write in an authentic way.


But if the fears get too big, and you don’t have the tools to recognize them for what they are, you’ll be at their mercy.  You’ll be stuck.  And your heart will shut down, just when you want it to open more to support the risk you’re ready to take.


What if you had support to transform those fears, while Blogging Your Vision into the World?


What if the whole process of writing and sharing your blog, and building your community through your blog, becomes a process of strengthening you at the core?


It’s possible!


Blogging Your Vision Into the World was created to help you do just that.  You’ll get support to actually write!


And you’ll also get support to navigate through whatever comes up in the process, so you keep moving forward, and share your writing through your blog.


This course is the marriage of Writing the Prayer of Your Life and Women’s Voices Rising into a practical, results oriented program, to ignite you to move into inspired action around your blog.


Last Friday, I offered a free call: “Find the Voice For Your Vision and Offer it To the World as Your Prayer.”


If you missed the call, you can listen to the recording here.


Something unexpected happened on Friday’s free call.  I ended up sharing much more of my story than I’d planned.  It’s taken me a few days to understand why.  This program:  Blogging Your Vision into the World—represents the birth of a new synergy for me, as a teacher.


For all the years I’ve been teaching, my work has been much more about process than product.  I’ve taught workshops and retreats where the writing itself is the reason for the workshop.


I love those kinds of workshops.  And I’ll keep teaching them.  Especially as the book Writing the Prayer of Your Life: A Journey of Remembering, gets launched into the world next year, I’ll be offering retreats based on those teachings.


But the blogging program is something else.  It’s truly the marriage of Writing the Prayer of Your Life and Women’s Voices Rising with the intention of creating a practical, results oriented program, in which a deep foundation for growth and transformation is part of the process.


The birth of this new program –Blogging Your Vision into the World– is what led me to share my story so deeply on Friday’s free call.  My story is what led to everything I’ve done, and the more I integrate my own journey, through the writing process I’m in as I complete my book, the more I understand exactly what I’m here to teach, and why.


If you missed Friday’s call you can get the recording here.


And, I’m hosting another call this week on Wednesday, September 30 to answer your questions about the program.


Because this program is not really about me, it’s about you.  It’s about you getting the support you need to start writing your visionary blog!


I answered a few questions on Friday’s call, and I’m hosting another call this week to answer more questions.  If you have a question and can’t make the call live, send it to me via email and I’ll do my best to respond.


Join me for this free Q & A call on Wednesday at noon Eastern Time by calling in


712-432-3100  access code  897 723



The eight week teleclass starts Friday, October 2.  Learn more and register here.


I’m also excited to be offering some special bonuses.  One of the most valuable is the website bonus package.  If you’re ready to start a blog to support your business, but don’t yet have a website, you know that’s next on your list.


Focusing on your blog will help you get clearer on what you need to say on your website, and I want to support that clarity by offering you a bonus package of private sessions at a discounted price.  This is available to the first three people who register for this package when you sign up for the program.